Monday, April, 19, 2021

The best holidays ever 🗻

My best holiday was in 2016. I went to Argentina, specifically to its capital Buenos Aires, along with my mother and grandmother, we were here for 15 days. In Argentina, we did a lot of things, we toured museums, we went to Obelisco, we visited Jardín Japonés, we walked along Puente de la Mujer in Puerto Madero, we ate and even learned to dance a little tango, because at night there were many dance shows and dancers invited you to dance.

The place that I will never forget is Ateneo, this was a library that was installed where before there was a theater called "grand splendid". So I kept the architectural structure of the theater, for me it was beautiful, because I love books and plays.

This was my best holiday for many reasons. First of all, it’s the longest holiday I’ve ever had. Secondly, I had never been to another country or got on a plane, and my grandmother and my mom made us laugh a lot. All these new experiences and learning the culture narrated by the natives of the place is something I will never forget.

The name was shocking for my mom  😂


  1. Hi Alinee! I really would like to visit that place especially after reading your blog!

  2. Hi Alinee! I really would like to visit that place especially after reading your blog!


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