Monday, June, 21, 2021

Changes to my study programme 📓📑

In general, I think the curriculum is quite complete, as it covers different areas of psychology. In addition, it is well cohesive with each other, as the first year courses lay the groundwork for second year courses. However, I feel that courses in professional ethics and basic health care should be included. The latter could be useful in the case of having one's own practice (away from a hospital center) and a patient suffers, for example, a serious seizure. I feel that these situations are taken as common knowledge, but we should qualify with a previous base.  

Regarding the workload, I can say that in some subjects it is very high, as we have to watch recorded capsules and attend live classes. Also, I believe that the duration of the studies is adequate, as it abounds in several areas of psychology. As for the facilities of the faculty, I can't say much, since I only went once😢.

Regarding the use of technology, I think that the U-courses platform is a very complete and intuitive application to use. However, I would add a section with the e-mails of the departments, because many times it is difficult to know who to write to in order to solve a problem. 

Finally, I think that the teaching method has been good, because the classes are usually enlightening of the texts and, in addition, there are spaces to ask any questions. 


  1. Hi Friend, I think your ideas for improving the curriculum are wonderful.

  2. Your idea is very interesting! that courses in professional ethics and basic health care should be included to the curriculum. Regards!


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